MadeinTuscany :a school of life in a greenhouse with a grandpa
A very intetesting experience in this greenhouse near the Tuscan coast – few Km from Viareggio – with many plants , of course ( they are focused on eucalyptus ornamental trees that they export them even abroad) but during the summer time it becomes a different kindergarden with a special teacher of 80 years old , that is the owner’s father.
He can tell you how to make a seed grows up, how to plant a seed, how to cultivate rice ( as this area in the past was very well known for this excellent production), the use of different old tools for the garden , how it was the agriculture in the past times with animals instead of machines. A plant of cotton can be a good starter to introduce the story of a T-shirt of 100% cotton , the thin yarn of the natural fibre of linen can tell another story…the story of our grand-grand-parents could be a title for each different lesson !
The granpa has a daughter that is Elena who decided to leave her permanent job as general manager , to start this new challenge with the help of her father , her husband & now her daughter too . An entire family looking after trees & teaching to new generations how to be kind to mother earth & discovering another way of living , respecting the seasons, the cycles of life, the old people who can teach things nobody knows anymore.
A great exemple for young people and to me too, a feeling of being really part of all this as one only family , yes the family of the mankind .
Schools can also visit the greenhouse during the year for one day experience & bring home not just an handmade souvenir but also unfogettable memories and maybe more proud to be Italians knowing how great is our heritage that is our Country , our traditions ,our roots.
Hands can be so beautiful when they speak to heart so deeply as these ones, enjoy !